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Author Topic: Lateral finger pitches and cracking  (Read 2071 times)


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Lateral finger pitches and cracking
« on: October 31, 2007, 08:38:00 PM »
The shop that I had a lot of my stuff drilled at all seems to have a cracking problem around the fingers.  In fact, I can think of only 1 ball that they worked on that hasn't cracked either around the fingers or bridge.  I first noticed the problem when I switched to grips.  Before the grips are installed, I noticed that the holes met at the bottom and would cause cracking beneath the surface.  They are supposedly drilled with 3/8 right on the ring and 3/8 left on the middle.  I do not know if there isn't enough lateral to keep them from meeting or if they are not making the bridge wide enough.  1 particular ball has had to have the fingers plugged 5 times now because of cracking.  It's cracked out again but I'm done paying to have it "fixed" by them.  

Is this a drilling issue with the shop, too much or improper gluing of the grips, or a combination of both?  I have since started using another shop that is a LOT farther away and haven't had a bit of trouble.  

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Re: Lateral finger pitches and cracking
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2007, 05:31:59 AM »

 You answered your own question.


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Re: Lateral finger pitches and cracking
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2007, 05:50:43 AM »
I agree...

3/8 opposite lateral pitches don't usually meet at the bottom unless quite a bit over the standard 1 1/2 inch deep for finger holes.

ALSO on cracking around the top....I have only found it on balls where the tops of the finger holes have NOT been beveled.  OR a multiple plug ball kept in a varied heat cold environment.


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Re: Lateral finger pitches and cracking
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2007, 06:38:23 AM »
Sounds like his pitches are off. 3/8 left and 3/8 right should not meet with normal finger depth.

I use 1/4 left for middle finger and 3/8 right for ring. I don't meet at 1-1/2 inches down. Thats with 5/16" bridge or 1/4" bridge.


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Edited on 11/1/2007 6:39 AM


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Re: Lateral finger pitches and cracking
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2007, 03:20:57 PM »
It's also a possibilty he isn't beveling the finger holes prior to installing the grips. A lot of cracking around the fingers is caused from stress on the coverstock, and tapping the holes with a little bevel can relieve some of that stress. Not to mention, if you see it start to crack, have it fixed immediately, because temperature changes can cause them to spread quickly.


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Re: Lateral finger pitches and cracking
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2007, 03:44:51 PM »
no holes should connect if he is drilling 3/8th in left and right laterals. unless his bridges are too small or he drilling deeper than 1 3/4 inches deep.

sounds like you answered your own question, and should look for someone else.

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