Sorry about the lack of information, I wrote the previous paragraph on my iTouch while I was at work earlier today. The ball that I refer to as my go to one is a Columbia TEC Chaos, and the two new ones that I refer to are a Black Widow Pearl and a Brunswick Maxx Zone.
The Widow and the Zone both have well over 50 games on each one of them and I would say I average around a 200 with both of them. While the Chaos has who knows how much on it and I can easily pull a 210-215 with it consistently.
I did talk with the man at the pro-shop and he drilled both new balls for me. The only think I told him however was that I wanted them drilled exactly the same as my Chaos which I'm not sure of buy maybe was a mistake.
Not sure what you said about the surface of the balls but I think I added some information that you were asking for and I greatly appreciate the help. Please respond again soon, thanks Dean