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Author Topic: Pitches to improve Axis Rotation?  (Read 11240 times)


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Pitches to improve Axis Rotation?
« on: November 06, 2017, 10:46:35 PM »
Are there pitch changes to the fingers and/or thumb to assist in increasing axis rotation?
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Re: Pitches to improve Axis Rotation?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2017, 01:27:03 PM »
Is this what your referring too?

Pitch changes to adjust ball roll . . .
This info is from a session with Mo Pinel and Del Warren. They do advocate pitch changes to adjust ball roll.

They start with what some here have called the "claw" grip. That is, a bowler's standard fit will include more forward pitches and a shorter span than has been the norm for many over the last few years. When the thumb is fully inserted and the fingers are laid across the holes, the edge of the hole/insert close to the thumb will be between the first and second crease/joint. They feel that a closed hand can remain more relaxed and still hold the ball without grabbing.

Once the "standard" fit is determined, adjustments can be made as follows (for right handed bowlers, lefties need to reverse the lateral adjustments) :

* To Increase Rev Rate - add 1/8 forward to both fingers and 1/8 reverse to thumb

* To Decrease Rev Rate - add 1/8 reverse to both fingers and 1/8 forward to thumb

* To Increase Axis Rotation and Tilt - add 1/8 left lateral to all three holes

* To Decrease Axis Rotation and Tilt - add 1/8 right lateral to all three holes

* To Increase Roll for low track players - Add 3/8 reverse to middle finger and increase middle finger span by 1/16. Add 3/8 forward to ring finger and shorten ring finger span by 1/16.

* To Increase Axis Rotation and Tilt for very high track players - Add 3/8 forward to middle finger and shorten span 1/16. Add 3/8 reverse to ring finger and lengthen span 1/16.

* Two or more adjustments may be combined for more dramatic results.


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Re: Pitches to improve Axis Rotation?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2017, 01:44:36 PM »
* To Increase Axis Rotation and Tilt - add 1/8 left lateral to all three holes

This sounds like an interesting starting point. I guess in theory that should translate to the ball resting more towards my pinky side of my hand and less towards my Index finger.
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Re: Pitches to improve Axis Rotation?
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2017, 12:31:06 AM »
I agree that changing pitches can affect the amount of axis rotation, to a very small degree. However, I do not agree that
changing pitches has any effect on axis tilt. Axis tilt is instead, a product of both hand position and spine (lateral) angle at release.  It is primarily the trajectory of the motion of the downswing (from the the top of the swing to the release) along with the position of the hand (at release) than has the biggest influences on axis tilt.


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Re: Pitches to improve Axis Rotation?
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2017, 05:55:46 AM »
I have issues with almost having zero tilt, and found a solution by using a brace to increase my axis tilt. I asked if it made sense to drill my equipment to increase tilt, and the answer was no. The reason behind that its better for your overall game if you can work on changing hand positions, for me its my brace because there maybe times when you dont want tilt i.e. short patterns. However if you drill all your equipment to make up for your lack of tilt you handcuff yourself, versus just changing your hand position either with a brace of naturally.