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Author Topic: three finger holes....  (Read 864 times)


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three finger holes....
« on: February 17, 2008, 04:53:55 PM »
I am copying my question from another thread to this forum, where it is more likely to get an answer....

I have a question for you, or anyone with a similiarly drilled ball.... Do you ever use just two of the finger holes, and move from one set of holes with the pin-under ring to the other two holes where pin is under bridge, using only your middle and ring fingers, in order to change the down-lane reaction and/or shot-shape? I know about the USBC rules for drilled gripping holes being utilized during delivery, but I have an old Ebonite Killer Instinct Pearl drilled this way that WILL give me different reactions based upon which two holes that my middle and ring finger are in. If I actually USE the third-hole for the pinky,, as it was originally intended, I get YET ANOTHER ball reaction. I realize that in doing so I would be skirting the letter of the law, and I never actually used it enough to be comfortable with all three variations, but I am curious if any of you had similiar experiences? Any comments as to legality of using such a ball, though it would be nearly impossible for anyone to actually see if your pinky was in or out during delivery, and which holes were being used by which fingers, since the delivery is a relatively quick motion?


Edited on 2/18/2008 2:30 AM