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Author Topic: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge  (Read 6185 times)


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Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« on: August 26, 2008, 02:48:19 AM »
For those of you who have been asking, the video demonstration of the new Precision Digital Pitch Gauge is now up on YouTube! It was a lot of work! I am interested in your feedback.
Dr. Douglas G. Frank, President
Precision Analytical Instruments, Inc.



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Re: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2008, 11:55:13 AM »
Doug it looks neat....but did we REALLY have that much of a problem with regular pitch gauges to make this worthwhile?

Is the benefit worth the cost?

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"


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Re: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2008, 12:59:39 PM »
Thanks, and a VERY valid question. Obviously, I would not spend the resources to develop this tool unless I thought it would improve the industry and that people would value it. Some factors which motivated me:
a) If ovals are the right way to fit bowlers, it is hard to think of a more accurate and efficient way to measure ovals than this
b) The existing tools are only good to +- 1/16th. Even experienced drillers often miss with the existing tools, especially holes with dual pitch (I have done blind tests to confirm this)
c) Efficiency and accuracy are the objectives. Even a few minutes saved per customer can be valuable, especially when you have customers waiting. When he sees you pick up a classy tool and precisely match his existing grip, you solidify a customer
d) I readily admit that an experienced driller can use rulers, calipers, and gauges and get pretty close...maybe close enough. But he will not be more accurate, and he will certainly take more time if he measures carefully.

I am already finding that new shops will not want to spring for both digital calipers and gauge sets when they can get state-of-the-art Digital Gauge. Is is less an issue of "I am experienced, so I don't need the gauge," as it is, "I can't be in both shops at the same time. How can I get this less experienced person to measure the parameters reliably and accurately."

For example, what usually sells our digital scale is not its ease of use, superior accuracy, or the fact that they use it at the tournaments. Instead, is is: "My wife/employee/new-person can use it...and they used to take forever on the do-do."

At Expo in Orlando I got to hear a lot of feedback...almost all very positive. One very experienced person said that the biggest problem in his shop was getting his employees to match pitches of interchangeable grips. If the pitches are not close to perfect, then the grip does not install flush on the new layout. He said they had to redo many grips because of this. The fact that this new gauge has the necessary range and accuracy was what sold him.

Thank you for your question, it is an important one. I genuinely struggle with it on a regular basis, on all the products we choose to develop. Development and quality manufacturing is expensive, so we choose carefully. It is my personal goal to successfully address at least one bowling technology issue each year, and I believe we are having an impact. Some of our tools are approaching the 1000 mark!

As you might imagine, we also have other things in development...stay tuned!


Dr. Douglas G. Frank, President
Precision Analytical Instruments, Inc.


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Re: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2008, 02:34:10 PM »
I think 'youpro' may be speaking of oval angle, not pitch.
The traditional way is to draw the grip centerline, eyeball the oval and draw a line along the oval's axis, and then use the protractor on a quarter scale. Works fairly well. Thumb holes with an uneven bevel can sometimes trick you, but if you are careful to look deep into the hole you can get pretty close.
The gauge finds the long axis of the oval not by eye, but by finding the largest diameter. Once this direction is found, the approximate oval angle is immediately displayed on the gauge.

Dr. Douglas G. Frank, President
Precision Analytical Instruments, Inc.


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Re: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2008, 07:53:53 PM »
When he sees you pick up a classy tool and precisely match his existing grip, you solidify a customer

I agree with this 100%. Customers love seeing high dollar investments being used on them. Especially if the tool is well cared for and you pull it out of a case every time you use it. I was lucky to have been able to see this gauge in person at the expo, and will say that it was very neat, and the method it determines the pitches is real similar to how the your press creates pitches, which makes it even easier for employees to understand and use. Combines multiple tools into one, so our shop will be purchasing one for sure.


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Re: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2008, 10:07:40 PM »
I think "youpro" was pulling your leg.  --  JohnP


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Re: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2008, 11:09:39 PM »
That's the trouble with body language! I missed the twinkle in his eye.

Dr. Douglas G. Frank, President
Precision Analytical Instruments, Inc.


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Re: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2008, 11:51:36 PM »
Doug I didn't know you posted here, but glad to see you have a new tool coming out. The question for me is how long to use this device before you have to have it calibrated or do you??? We have several of your products including the digital scale and the time I save using your products make it worth the cost. Can you pm ME A PRICE???, oh to give you hint to who this is, it is CC from Maple Hts, Ohio. Hope to here from you soon!!!


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Re: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2008, 07:33:02 AM »
Your question:
"The question for me is how long to use this device before you have to have it calibrated or do you???"

Under normal use, we do not expect the device to ever require re-calibration. It uses an internal reference for stability. For example, we built a prototype three years ago while we were initially exploring this idea, and it has held its calibration.

We calibrate the device on a special fixture here before we ship it, and it only takes a couple minutes.  The situations we have forseen where a device may require re-calibration is if the stainless steel fingers became bent or the device were damaged. Thus, we built it rugged! Nevertheless, it could easily be sent here for repair and recalibration, if needed.

Dr. Douglas G. Frank, President
Precision Analytical Instruments, Inc.


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Re: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2008, 10:34:09 AM »
Thanks to all of who have commented on the Precision Digital Pitch Gauge, and the movie I posted on YouTube describing it. (Almost 200 of you have watched it, and several of you are now using it.)
So far, we haven't found any flaws in the design, but because of your comments, we are going to change the labeling a bit.
Dr. Douglas G. Frank, President
Precision Analytical Instruments, Inc.


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Re: Precision Digital Pitch Gauge
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2008, 03:24:04 PM »
Hey Guys

I just updated our website at Jayhawk Bowling Supply.  We have added the YouTube videos of the Precision Digital Pitch Gauge, Jayhawk Precision Edge Gauge, Jayhawk Axis Reversing Tool, Precision Ball Compass, and the Jayhawk Digital Scale.

Thanks for all your hard work making these state of the art tools and video demonstrations.  Let me know when you are done with the new label so I can upload the new image of the Precision Digital Pitch Gauge on our website.
Russ Wilson
Pro Shop Manager
Jayhawk Bowling Supply