"If the CG is out of the oval because it is a blem/2nd ball to start with, does it affect the location/necessity of the weight hole, and by association, the amount of potential flare for the ball?"
A combination of layout choice, cg shift location and starting top weight can limit or determine where and what size and depth a weight hole can be. For example, if your chosen layout places the "PRO CG" above your midline (let's say 1.5" above) and your starting top weight is 3.5 ounces or more, your weight hole will more than likely need to be placed above the midline and vice verca if the "PRO CG" ends up below your midline. As a note, weight holes are placed not just in relation to your PAP, VAL, and Midline, but are also placed in relation to core shift determined by your layout. Any time you use a weight hole and it significantly removes enough mass from the core it can and usually does change the flare characteristics. Because the core has now been reshaped to create a set of new mathematical properties. Weight holes are funky little creatures and can be your best friend or be gremlins and be your worst nightmare if chosen improperly. As NicholasE stated "the weighthole will have to be placed correctly".