I got a TF, pretty much the #3 layout, with pin above middle finger, about 5 3/4 away, mb about 1 1/2" right of thumb oob. I wasn't crazy about this drilling, w/the negative pin, but it was suggested I try and if I didn't like it I could get another one. Well, it's going a little too long for me, and that's w/me being a 15 mph thrower rev dominant. I guess I throw in a little heavier THS, synthetic. I'm thinking of turning this one in, and getting another one, mb in same position, but pin maybe above the ring finger instead, about 1 1/2" closer to the pin, about 4 1/2 or 4 1/4" away. I'm hoping it will still retain it's lenght due to its higher rg, yet the close pin will prevent it from sliding past the breakpoint, as my TF does sometimes. Any thoughts?