I have a question about the legality of my ball
I bought a tropical storm, the pin was a little bit short, and it had too much top weight.
about 1.5 inch and 3 oz to be exact.. (NOT WHAT I ORDERED BUT OH WELL)
I wanted to it drilled weak,
so my pro shop guy drilled it with the pin right above the bridge right on the bridge infact, the bevel of the holes almost clip the pin with the CG directly below it
both finger holes are 3 inches deed (give or take).
The driller said it was right on the border line when it came to finger weights so he placed an extra hole. about 2 inches above the pin on the center line about half an inch around and about an inch deep.
now to my question, I know its hard to weigh but what are chances that this ball would NOT Be legal, also with the hole that close to the fingers would that cause any possible problems?
In The Bag:
http://iansbowling.dnsalias.org/Bowling/FREAK.JPGCobalt Bomb
http://iansbowling.dnsalias.org/Bowling/Cobalt%20Bomb.JPGThis is our Paradigm