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Author Topic: 1/8" right lateral  (Read 1813 times)


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1/8" right lateral
« on: September 30, 2004, 07:19:11 AM »
Okay, I just had 1/8" right lateral (bottom of hole to the right) put into my thumb, as I was having problems.  I took a couple practice swings on my couch, and it comes out much more cleanly (at least now).  I will update you guys after my saturday league, when I throw some games with it.

Just thought I'd share my (future) experiences with right lateral thumb pitch.
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Re: 1/8" right lateral
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2004, 03:29:56 PM »
Three things!

1. Is this a surprise to anyone who drills balls for a living or Bill Taylor?

2. Are you right handed?

3. There is a thing called your own personal anatomy, thus the coke bottle test!


PS why do these conversations always take place in a vacumm as though right is good, left is bad or good, reverse is good, forward is bad instead of,
I"m righthanded, my span is X, my coke bottle test is X, my flexibilityis 90, 105, 0r 115 degrees, I'm currently using Y as pitch and I'm hanging, dropping, lofting fluffing, etc.  you get it.....
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: 1/8" right lateral
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2004, 03:39:22 PM »
Uh, I'm right handed...........what are 1 and 3 supposed to mean?

BTW, I said I'd update this when I actually test it out, but if you really want to know now....

Span-  4 7/16, 4 9/16 (pretty relaxed)
Finger flexibility is probably 105-110 degrees
No current pitch, which is why i added
Coke bottle test showed my thumb was pointing in the area of my ring finger.
There is doing in not doing what you weren't doing but doing in what you weren't doing to do what you were doing but not doing and doing as well

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Re: 1/8" right lateral
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2004, 03:57:49 PM »
Yes of course you are right lateral, some would say near 1/4 or more!


PS just saw a righty with too much right lateral for his hand, like 1/4 when he should have been 1/16.

Boy does he get some carry and action.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: 1/8" right lateral
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2004, 10:25:19 AM »
Move the pitch in the direction of the hurt.
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Re: 1/8" right lateral
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2004, 10:57:14 AM »
Excessive pitch?

That is what I do not like about these conversations.

1/8 pitch, 1/4 pitch, 0 pitch, forward, reverse!

None of this means anything except as how it relates to the bowlers anatomy.

Brick is right.  If you have gone to 1/8 right and it is causing bruising(where on shaft of thumb or near top in intersection of thumb and hand?)  On top is bevel.  On shaft move away from pain back to the left a tad!

1/8 is good, 1/8 is bad, these are statements that mean nothing till we know the bowlers anatomy and roll!


PS for some 1/4 right is way too little pitch(not many, but some)
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: 1/8" right lateral
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2004, 03:40:18 PM »
Yes, LL, I learned that........

Just to leave this be, I got 1/8" palm lateral, and to see the results, see my "amazing difference" post in Misc.
There is doing in not doing what you weren't doing but doing in what you weren't doing to do what you were doing but not doing and doing as well

So don't do it!