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Author Topic: question on thumb pitch  (Read 3457 times)


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question on thumb pitch
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:37:05 AM »
Several years ago, due to dropping the ball, I had all my thumb holes changed from 1/4 reverse to 0 pitch.  I have now started having the same problem (not as bad) of dropping the ball.  I have had a thumb mold made and have the new molds in all my equipment.  I have about three pieces of white 1/2" tape in the holes and, while they feel tight, I still have the same problem.  I'm afraid that any more tape and it will be hard to get my thumb in the ball (although I am going to try this tomorrow in practice).  The span seems to be ok and would be classified as a relaxed fingertip.  With my thumb in the ball the first joint of my fingers fit about mid-way of the finger holes.
Has anyone else had this problem?  Would a change to forward pitch make a difference?  Do you lose revs when going to forward pitch?
Any advice would be appreciated. 



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Re: question on thumb pitch
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2011, 12:50:02 PM »

Look to your timing.   If you are too early, you will "jerk" your thumb out of the ball, not actually drop it


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Re: question on thumb pitch
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2011, 12:49:21 PM »
The only way I could see you having the ball drop off with a snug fit and proper measurements is if you have your thumb pointing down at the lane during release, rather than pointing in the direction of the pins. In other words, your wrist is breaking back. If this isn't the case, then I'm at a loss.

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Re: question on thumb pitch
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2011, 01:34:58 PM »
First off, do you have dry skin and are you in a cold climate ?  As the weather changes, if you have dry skin, you thumb will be much smoother (drier) and come out of the ball much quicker.  Once it gets warmer, you thumb will get a bit moister and the thumb will drag a bit.


Also, many bowlers are now using more forward pitch in their thumb.  You can try a bit more forward pitch in an older ball and see what happens.  Basically, you can go more forward until you hang up, then back it off a bit.  Be sure you are not grabbing the ball, otherwise with more forward pitch, you will not come out of it.



Edited by Stan on 3/14/2011 at 3:37 PM