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Author Topic: Questions about Asymetrical Flip  (Read 1456 times)

Gene J Kanak

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Questions about Asymetrical Flip
« on: April 28, 2006, 12:53:58 AM »
I know what the drilling is and all. My question is in regard to whether or not this would be the best drilling for me on my incoming Awesome Flip. I want the AF to be my skid-snap type ball. The asymetricl flip drilling seems to promote that, but I'm curious as to whether or not it will promote too much length for me. I am a high track player with average to above average revs. My thinking is that the asymetrical flip drilling may push the ball too long and send it past my breakpoint. What do you guys think? What have you seen out of this layout? I'm just wondering whether or not I should try this layout or just stick with the layout that I already like out of my Seek and Destroy and Total Shock and Awe (Pin above even and right of ring, cg pretty much stacked below, mb at about 45' in strong position to right of thumb). What do you all think? Any help you can give will be appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: Questions about Asymetrical Flip
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2006, 09:00:58 AM »

Knowing that your driller knows what's going on with you and your game and has done a few Mo pieces for you with success, .....what is your pap, and what is the suggested pin to pap distance for you on the asym flip drill?
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Re: Questions about Asymetrical Flip
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2006, 09:02:24 AM »
If you want the ball basically to go skid/flip, I'd drill the ball that way. Period. Just make sure you have an experienced ball driller at hand who knows how to set the ball up for your game.

If the ball goes to long for your taste or condition at hand, you can still tinker on the coverstock. There is OOB still some room for polish if you need even more length (but I'd like to see the hook a stacked AF produces in high gloss! My S&A is hell on wheels, and the AF should be even more angular...), or you can apply Brunswick's Rough Buff or use a high grit sanding surface (the compound finish is between high gloss an Rough Buff, some 600 grit plus a ruibbing compound). And you can still fine-tune the ball with an X-hole, as another option.

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Re: Questions about Asymetrical Flip
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2006, 01:46:42 PM »
the drill sheets will accomodate for hi and low trackers.....his driller has done a few Mo pieces for him...he should be fine.

Put a flip drill on it according to his specs and adjust the cover....good to go!
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