Glen -- Yep, that's it. I assume your last ring finger joint is very stiff (1" rev). Actually, other than the short MF span, your fit is very close to mine (4 11/16" on both spans, 1/4" rev on MF and 5/8 rev on RF, 7/16" rev and 1/4" L lateral on thumb). Is your thumb stiff also? Mine is, and if I don't have the extra rev pitch I have to drill the hole very large to be able to get out of it clean. As another example, though, my father in law's grip has the RF span about 3/8" longer than the MF, and he does not have damage to his fingers (other than stiffness from having worked as a carpenter and plumber most of his life). His RF is actually longer than his MF when you look at his hand. -- JohnP