I believe, as far as I have learned from others here:
Yes, you normally position your pin on or above the line from PAP to ring finger. Then continue on to find the bowtie, as you described. AS fr as I know that is the right thing to do.
If you can put a weight hole to remove thumb and side weight, AND
if you can place it 2 1/2 to 3" below your PAP on the VAL, AND
if you can drill it deep enough and wide enough (1" wide, x 3" deep is what I have read is the minimum required), and
if the ball's basic RG differential is at least .040",
then that weight hole will raise your bowtie.
How much it will raise the bow tie, I cannot say.
BrunsRicoh has also said that if you have a high track, you should not put the pin in the middle of the grip but raise it the same amount as the "up" portion of your PAP measurement.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial Ballreviews.com FAQEdited on 12/21/2007 7:59 AM