I have an old beat up Ravage.
Drilled at least now 3 times...maybe sort of 4.
Once by a righty then by me...no likey...redone...then using thumbhole redid fingers.
Like a lot of balls redrilled this much...not so lively...though I almost loved the trajectory on the lanes! No pop.
So drilling 3 put pin next to ring and mB touching thumb say a 4 1/4 X 6(MB) the ball had a lot of easy length and no pop at the back.
My observation of MO balls are these cores (from RAvage TA and Mayhem series)REALLY are pretty sensitive to redrillings.
But this ball just did what I wanted...waited(easy push) and supplied little midlane(the high friction in the mids in this center supply that) and then made it's smooth move to the pocket ...but no blam.
I concluded...hmmmm...maybe this ball just doesn't have enough imbalance in the back maybe due to redrillings and maybe is lacking top weight.
SO...instead of doing one thing and seeing effect. I plug and repitch thumb same place. Move fingers to make pin now be a 3 1/2 to PAP and decide to put in an old style weighthole... 9 inches from grip center in a 8:30 direction....57/64 bit and 1 1/2 inches deep. Now top weight and fingerweight slightly raised.
VOILA...go to lanes and they are at their absolute worst!!!! Bouncy bouncy bouncy...OUr high speed no side rotation players love it! Me higher rev strong side rotation me hatey!
Pull out this smooth formerly no hit monster and get 3 splits no spares 9 strike game...no problem.
Now the question is??? Was it the pi strenghthening or the weighthole that created this strike monster.
Bad science...I could plug weighthole and throw and see...but guru's?
PS this ball continued to supply tons of pop until there was a bunch of carrydown...but I have stuff that works for that!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..