In general, when lanes dry out, people use pearls to get added length, NOT to reduce the hook. (FUnny, as the Backyard Bully is a very large hooking ball, not for drier lanes, in general, but for lanes drier than the Big Bully.) In any case, most pearls will hook more on these drier lanes and a lot on the backend.
Pins over the bridge help yo uget more length, but their larger effect is to make the balls more flippy and harder to control )Of course, when you're close, this helps provide a stronger hit.). Unless you have a lot of ball speed OR your release provides a measure of control, OR you have a very consistent release, I think you're better off using weaker balls with the pin in a "normal" position. For most people, normal is at or below the level of the bridge. For higher tracks, normal is at or above the line from ring finger to PAP.
What you might try if youw ant to experiment with a stronger ball is to put the pin in a weaker position,like in the 5.5 - 6" range. Pin under the middle finger can do something like this, DEPENDING on exactly where you PAP is,of course. With medium or weak pearls, in order to allow them to be used on a more direct line, you can try to place the pin in an early position, that is, 1.5" - 2.5" from the PAP, with the CG near grip center or at a 100 - 135 degree position (MB in or near the track). This normally reduces the overall hook and the backend.
Bowling: Wish I could help me as much as I seem to help others ...
Life ... is what you make of it. No, really!
Edited on 11/19/2005 8:11 AM