A little update to this post.
Dynothane has a wonderful drill sheet that explains this drill...
Thanks Dynothane Click on Critical Mass Look at page 5 and 6!
They call it Direct Cap for the Flip Richard version(reduced entry angle) and Power Cap for the Flip D!
For both of these Flip drillings I have been putting pin stronger and closer to the VAL. Pins like 4 1/4 on a strong cored ball or 3 3/8 on a weaker cored ball and Direct Cap for a Flip Richard..(Pin up and withing about 1 1/2 inches from the VAL.
I put this recently on a Storm Deuce (Flip Richard or Direct Cap) pin up so much the mass bias ABOVE the thumb) and this thing let's the lane supply the midlane and then covers boards in the back!
I couln't believe how much I liked my ball trajectory on this bone dry midlane shot! Lofter paradise!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
Edited on 7/29/2006 10:31 AM