medium tracker
medium revs
speed 17.5 to 18 mph
pap 5 1/2 over...1 inch up
low end tweener
present drill is pin to pap 4 1/4 mb to pap 5 1/4
pin is right next to ring finger
mb is 1 1/4 of centerline...just below and to the right of thumb
OK so here is the deal....I have tried many different coverstock sandings and or polishes, and it just comes down to that I don't have enough back end with this ball. I reads the midlane great almost to much and finishes with a long arc and not much for entry angle. Normal flare is about 2 inches, if I really get after it I might get 2 1/2.
I was thinking about putting a asymmetrical flip drilling on it to create more flare and back end.
4 X 4
pin 1 1/2 off of VAL It would put it about 1 1/2" up and 1 1/2" over from center of ring finger hole.
MB would end up 2 3/4" from grip center line or 2" in from VAL
I have always wanted to do a flip drilling but am worried about the ball being to squirty off of break point.
Just wanted some opinions of what I might expect
Thank You, Doug