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Author Topic: Reducing elbow pain???  (Read 4121 times)


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Reducing elbow pain???
« on: December 30, 2005, 02:44:57 PM »
My father-in-law pulled a tendon or something in his elbow.  Ever since I've known him, he squeezes the ball.  The increased stress on his elbow b/c of the squeezing has lead to him throwing the ball much slower than ever before.  

His current specs are:

4 7/16ths both fingers
1/4 rev in fingers
rev in thumb, not exactly sure how much or what his laterals are.

His span is very stretch by todays standards.  I would guess a 1/4" at least.  I suggested he go to a 4 3/8ths span, 0/0 pitch or more forward depending on what the NORM is for that span.  I also suggested leaving the finger pitch as is.  What do you guys think?  I am trying to help him reduce the squeezing and pressure on his elbow....



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Re: Reducing elbow pain???
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2005, 11:01:41 PM »
agroves, that doesn't sound good. I can't be positive, but I would say his elbow problems may be caused from something other than span. I could be wrong of course. Was his injury caused from bowling, & how long has he been using that span? Even if that is not the cause it wouldn't hurt to go to a more relaxed span. Also, if he is squeezing, it could be improper thumb size or pitch. If you are planning to drop from 4 7/16 to 4 3/8, thats only 1/16, and probably not enough to notice any difference. Also what weight ball does he use? I think maybe you should go with him to your pro shop & get his specs all checked out & make appropriate changes. Also, you might purchase one of those forearm straps they use for tendonitis if you don't already have one. Don't ignore the possibility that he may need to throw a lighter ball. Good Luck!
Hardcore FOS

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Re: Reducing elbow pain???
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2005, 04:59:52 AM »
I had the pain in my elbow 3 years ago. Got one of those straps with the air pocket in it, it helped, but I had my span rechecked, redone and the pain was gone.

I'm not saying the span is the total cause in him, but I'd say it's a part. Yes, those straps do help, takes a while to find the right spot on your forearm, but the pain was games while I bowled. Soon after I took it off, the pain was back, again, until I changed spans, then I have had no pain.

Just for info, might be worth the cost of the strap, I got mine at WalMart, my wife uses hers , but her pain is from an old car accident, messed up her arm, elbow and shoulder.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Reducing elbow pain???
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2005, 08:17:14 AM »
Saw, his injury did happen during bowling.  We moved away and I can't watch him or go with him to the proshop to help him out.  I KNOW his span is stretched, he doesn't even have his thumb all the way in the ball.  His thumb size is right, but his pitch is wayyyy wrong.  I tried to help him change a few years ago, but how do you convince a guy with 300's and 8's to change???  He has to want to first....


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Re: Reducing elbow pain???
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2005, 08:45:59 AM »
I didn't bowl for 7 years and just recently returned to the game.  My span was stretched out to Left 5 5/8" Right 5 7/8" (big hands) with 1/2 Rev in thumb.  The first 3 weeks of bowling I was in pain, wrist and elbow.  Went to a pro ball driller and he measured my span and indicated in the modern game with high performance balls generally stretched spans are not used much any more, that I should cut back approximate 1/2" on both span.  Now, have Left  5 5/16" Right 5 7/16", 1/8 rev in thumb. No longer in pain, but did some damage, I now wear a Master Wrister and Elbow Support, probably don't need the supports anymore but continue using for prevention. Scared me.
Note to self: Periodically see a pro ball driller to check grip and see if grip should be changed or improved. Learned my lesson.
Kegler X
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Re: Reducing elbow pain???
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2005, 10:42:10 AM »
Andrew, yeah, that's a tough one. I didn't know the situation not being near enough to help. The span does sound way to long & if he is that stretched, I would say he definitely should try to shorten up. I don't know his age or strength, but as we get older, we need to make the necessary changes to meet our abilities. It was necessary for me to shorten my span as well as drop to 15 a while back. I guess all you can do is try to convince him of the fact he needs to make changes if he wants to continue bowling. The straps for tendonitis help a lot, & I find I must use mine almost always. Good Luck!
Hardcore FOS

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Re: Reducing elbow pain???
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2005, 10:56:22 AM »
In the last three years, my wife has had two surgeries on her elbow. She had a torn tendon that was rapidly deteriorating. When it was reattached, it was too short. She is unable to fully straighten her elbow. She had to totally change her bowling. Every night after bowling and the next day, she was in pain. Even with this, she wouldn't quit bowling.

I bought her a new ball for Christmas and we had it drilled Thursday. She bowled with it that night and has marveled that she has had no pain at all. Our house, which opened a little over 5 years ago, has never had an experienced driller. Our new backend manager (runs proshop too) studied under on of the best drillers in Oregon. My wifes span and pitches were changed dramatically and he got it right the first time. She has said that it is the best feel she has had in a ball. Again, I mention the pain free bowling.

I guess the moral of my story is that a properly drilled ball may be paramount in prevention and protection of injuries while bowling.

Now she wants her other 4 balls redrilled. There goes my new ball.


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Re: Reducing elbow pain???
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2006, 09:26:30 PM »
i would agree with using a elbow support,i started getting excruciating pain in my elbow during my 2nd game a month ago.after we were done,i went to the store and got a elbow strap/support for "tennis elbow".after some adjustments to get the right fit,i can now bowl 6-7 games with no discomfort during bowling or after i'm done.i also incorporated some extra light curls with a resistance band to help stengthen my whole arm without straining it.
i hope this helps..
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Re: Reducing elbow pain???
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2006, 01:57:54 PM »
When ever my elbow hurts, its because my arm is bent through out the entire swing untill release point where the whole arm would snap straight, hurts like he!! every time.
Mike Zadler