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Author Topic: Calluses on right side of fingers  (Read 1203 times)


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Calluses on right side of fingers
« on: April 08, 2010, 06:10:28 PM »
Hello there, I am right handed, and looking from the back of my palm, can any one tell me why I have thick calluses on the right side of both fingers? I also felt soreness on the right side of fingers as I bowl during league.
Currently my middle finger pitch is at 1/16 ->, and ring finger at 3/8 ->

Do I need to add more pitch to right? Say, middle at 1/4 and ring at 1/2?
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Cobalt Bomb

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Re: Calluses on right side of fingers
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2010, 05:02:54 AM »
"Normal" side pitches for RH fingertip are MF 1/8L<, RF 5/8R>. Unless there is something unusual about your hand or release you should start there. Remember to keep 3/4" total between the fingers so the holes don't meet at the bottom(1/8+5/8=3/4). Also, if you have left pitch on the thumb, that may have to be reduced or eliminated when you make this change.
Hope this helps,