Storm continually used a very similar weight block on a lot of their stuff for years, and then altered the differential with PB = power balls(denser material in the center of the block), or by dense flip blocks.
If one looks at the Erase it, Eraser, Too Hot, Ultra Hot, and now some of the new balls(Not the X factors), one can see that same Thunder Road weightblock with different density flip blocks creating differences in flare potential.
NOw the HOt Wire has the same core shape and similar coverstock but unfortunately it is the lower diff version, closer to the Ultra Hot.
PS AMF/Track did the same thing with ceramaslam weightblock and so has columbia with many weightblocks, as frankly so has Brunswick. If you've got a block that rolls nice, throw in a few tweaks with a new color coverstock, give em that same nice shape at a different point in the alley and make a little money!