Hello everyone, i've never used the Rico layout before, but after seeing my friend throw a ball Rico drilled, I feel it's a must have.
I have 2 balls coming in. An Emerald Vibe, and a Blue Vibe.
Both balls have an RG of 2.51, and a Differential of .045. (14lbs)
The Emerald has a nasty skid/flipping coverstock (the Toxic cover) and the Blue has a solid coverstock.
I'd like the Emerald to be a huge skid/flip and the Blue Vibe to be my smooth, solid, control ball. Which would be best to drill Rico? I've heard the Rico can either make a ball really skid/flippy or really smooth and arcy.
Please help out, and thanks in advance!
Home of the Secret Sauce!Edited on 7/24/2008 11:57 AM