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Author Topic: Rolling over all holes  (Read 1523 times)


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Rolling over all holes
« on: February 09, 2006, 05:42:57 PM »
I used to roll very close to fingers and thumb, about a quarter inch from the fingers and half an inch from the thumb, but since switching to sarge easter I've started rolling over them.  Currently rolling directly between the fingers and over the thumb.  I pulled out one of my old finger-tip-drilled balls and while I still rolled the middle finger, I didn't roll the thumb.  

So, I don't think the sarge easter grip is causing the problem, just amplifying something I've been doing wrong, but I haven't figured it out.  I tried changing hand positions, but haven't pin pointed a solution yet and I don't have a camera to see for myself.

Coulda nyone with similar problems or knowledge of such things give me some sugestions?



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Re: Rolling over all holes
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2006, 03:49:55 AM »
Sounds like the problem is you are coming straight up the back of the ball and just rolling it end over end.

Are you getting any hook at all?
Kyle: Chef, we need Butters to gain about 50 pounds, fast.
Chef: Well, if you want him to get really fat as fast as possible, one of you will have to marry him.
Stan: Marry him?
Chef: It definitely worked for every woman I've ever met.


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Re: Rolling over all holes
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2006, 07:52:39 AM »
hook it?  400rpm+ 70-90 degree axis rotation.


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Re: Rolling over all holes
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2006, 08:59:34 PM »
check out the pin safe zone i drilling instruction 1 on maybe u have the pin in the wrong
place for a high track player. i have had that problem


Moose Nugget

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Re: Rolling over all holes
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2006, 08:47:20 PM »

How much reverse pitch do you have in your thumb?  It sounds like you are dropping your thumb early which is causing you to turn the ball too early in your release.  Try to stay with the ball a little longer and concentrate on feeling the ball weight transfer to your finger tips just before you rotate your fingers to the side of the ball.  Most people have too much reverse pitch in their thumbs combined with too much forward pitch in the fingers. That causes the track to move up the ball and closer to your grip holes.  

Have you had anyone video tape your approach and release?  Put a piece of white tape on your PAP and throw a few shots while video taping your ball motion.  Look for the amount of angle and tilt that tape has in the first 10-15 feet of the lane.  You will need to increase your tilt to move your track down/away from your fingers.  Look for a good, certified coach in your area.  They will be able to assist you with additional techniques to lower your track.

Good luck,
Moose Nugget
Redline Bowling Services

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