I had a post about this topic already but when I went to reply back to it just now... I hit the delete topic button instead. So I lost all the replies. Sorry.
So here's a summary of what was said in that post:
I'm really big into balls that have good continuation since that helps pin carry.
I've got 2 different original Sonic X Pearl's and one is drilled with the PIN
ABOVE the ring and the CG stacked below about 1" right of grip center and I've got another one with the PIN
BELOW the ring and the CG stacked below about 1" right of grip. Very similar drilling's but with just the PIN and CG shifter a little lower the the 2nd ball.
With the 1st Sonic X, I'm getting good length but when it get's to the backend, it almost appears to hook/set, or possibly even roll out. It kind of has a small snap but then it just looks like it has no continuing curve.
But with the 2nd Sonic X with the PIN under the ring, the ball still seems to go about as long as the 1st one (it may even be slightly earlier due to the PIN being under the ring finger?), but when it gets to the backend the ball arcs and just keeps going and going creating some of the best continuation. I've got a post on the ROTO GRIP forum a while backend talking about how this ball is just so continuous and has the best pin carry that I've ever seen. But when I drilled up the most recent one a few days ago, I've been disappointed. I've tried and compared both on Medium Oil shots and Lighter Oil shots and the reaction is still the same.
Now I know that PIN's above the ring makes the ball go longer and flip and that PIN's below the ring makes the ball roll slightly earlier and arc... so doesn't that mean that the PIN under the ring should have less continuation than the PIN above ring (since the ball would be rolling earlier, it should be loosing energy therefore losing any hope for it to be continuous on the backend)? It just seems that I'm getting the opposite effect of what I should be getting.
What exactly creats "continuation"? A length and flip drilling... or a ball that gets rolling earlier and arcs to the pocket?
Now keep in mind that I do have slower speed, but yet I'm still getting continuation with the ball that is rolling earlier (isn't that "going against the grain" for my style of slower speed and PIN under the ring finger???)... I would have thought this ball would be rolling out but it's the other ball that is doing the rolling-out or hook/set stuff.
Neither ball has a weight hole. The 1st ball (PIN
above ring, CG 1" right of grip) has 5/8oz positive side and 5/8oz finger... and the 2nd ball (PIN
below ring, CG 1" right of grip) has exactly 1oz positive side and 1/4oz finger.
One thing I have noticed is that on the PIN above ring ball... my track is about 1/4" from my middle finger and about 1/4" from my thumb. BUT, on the PIN below ring ball... my track is 1/4" from my middle finger and 1-1/2" from my thumb. So does that mean that my track became "inverted" on the PIN below ring ball? If so, would that explain the great reaction I get?
So does PIN under ring help ball's to have great continuation... or was this just a fluke. I would have though that PIN's above ring would have had that great continuation. I'm confused.
I'd like to figure this out so that I will know how to start drilling my other stuff.
By the way, I'm the one doing the drilling and weighing on these balls.
Edited on 6/19/2005 1:15 AM