I'd like to add some general thoughts about the vertical component of the PAP measurement, which may not add anything to this specific discussion but might prompt other discussion.
The vertical component is strictly dependent on the angle of the track to the grip centerline (or as we more normally think of it, to the finger and thumb holes). If the track is angled so that it is closer to the thumb hole than to the finger holes, the vertical component will be positive. The more the angle, or the larger the difference between the distances to the thumb hole and to the finger holes, the larger this positive number is. If the track is angled such that the distance to the thumb hole is greater than the distance to the finger holes, then the vertical component is negative. The larger the difference in these distances, the larger the absolute value of the negative number, or the further down the PAP is (we call this type of track "inverted"). Of course, the track angle is dependent on the release, but I haven't figured out exactly what aspect of the release makes the difference. My track is strongly inverted (vertical component is -1 3/8"), but I have absolutely no idea why. And I've measured other PAP's with positive vertical components of up to 1 3/4", and can't identify anything in the release that causes the difference. So if anyone can pin down what causes the difference, I'd sure like to know the cause. -- JohnP