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Author Topic: Safe bridge width?  (Read 1680 times)


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Safe bridge width?
« on: September 02, 2007, 10:27:59 AM »
I want to try 1/4" left pitch  middle and 1/4" Rt.pitch ring.  Fingers are 1 1/2" deep. How wide does the bridge need to be to lessen the chance of cracking?

Thanks in advance for replies.



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Re: Safe bridge width?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2007, 07:18:38 PM »
If you're right handed (profile entry might help), then if the first entry is for your middle finger, then the fingers holes are angled towards one another.

The finger holes should be started far enough apart so that the holes do not meet at the finishing depth (of ocurse). I was going to say that 1/4" is the minimum; so that the holes' walls are not too close, but this needs an expert driller's math to prevent the holes from meeting at the bottom. I'm too lazy to do the geometry, besides I've probably forgotten the formulas by now ....
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Re: Safe bridge width?
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2007, 05:07:37 AM »
Thank you for your helpful replies.

I am not good at at math skill; however, I drew a simple diagram based on the idea that the diameter of the ball is 8 1/2 inches.  It seems that the minimum recommended bridge width at the bottom of the finger holes is approximately 7/16 inch.  A 3/8 inch bridge with 1/4 Lt. and 1/4 Rt. creates a width that is approximately 1/64th inch less than 7/16.  
This is a part of my consideration now because I recently had a ball plugged and redrilled using a 3/8 bridge.  I found that increasing the bridge width encouraged me to use a more up the back release that allowed my angle of rotation to be more consistent.  I am going to plug and redrill because the 3/8s bridge with 3/8 Lt. and 3/8 RT. created some stress at the base of my middle and ring fingers, as well as a rub area at the tip of my middle, and ring fingers next to the bridge.  I could tell that bowling for an extended period would hurt.


Edited on 9/3/2007 6:21 AM