This is an interesting conversation. I use a lot of different layouts, mainly, just because I like a certain layout does not necessarily mean that layout will work on every ball. Case in point: I like the RICO layout on a lot of my equipment. However what I have found is, it works very well on symmetrical balls, but barely tames asymmetricals. I've found that a RICO drilling on an Inferno ball, solid or pearl absolutely kills the ball! It becomes a dud. I also like the very average, leveraged layout, but on some equipment it turns that ball into a skid-flip monster! I used to drill all my equipment with the high-pin, Tommy Jones layout, but put that drilling on an asymmetrical ball and I suddenly have to make drastic surface changes to tone it down. It's a matter of style, bowling ball knowledge, and conditions that one bowls on. On light oil conditions, I tend to use bar-bell drillings and high pin over middle finger drillings. Each drilling has it's use for me, in regards to the basic characteristics and personality of that ball. To each his own!