ok ok ok... this is by far not a try to revive the never ending debate about cg placement!
I just want some oppinions in respect to weighthole etc.
I have a ball with a shorter pin so I have to place it just under the ring but I can shift the cg and play around with statics.
my options are simply:
- label (putting the cg into the palm
- stacked (right under the pin with the little prayer that I need no X-hole and if it will be down my VAL
- shifting the cg 45° out to the right and needing a X-Hole up the VAL
so I guess... and PLEASE correct me if I am wrong:
the label drill will be the longest skid with strongest backend but not as strong as the one with the X-hole down the val and the X-hole up the VAL will tame the ball overall.. as well as hook and backend.
Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson "Some things are made so even idiots won''t fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?" - Grayson (\_/)
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