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Author Topic: Scorchin clipping the finger holes, Help!  (Read 879 times)


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Scorchin clipping the finger holes, Help!
« on: February 23, 2006, 12:39:22 AM »
I posted this in Brunswick and haven't gotten a response yet. Maybe should be here anyway, sorry.

   Posted: 2/22/2006 10:44 PM            
There may be no cure but I have a fellow league bowler who came to me with his newly drilled Scorchin. It is clipping the fingers and or the thumb...Here is the set up. Pin 3/4 inch below and right of ring at 5 oclock. CG is stacked below ( 2 inch pin) with CG just below center of grip and 1 3/4 " right (positive) with no weight hole. This guy is a righty with very low rev rate and slow speed. He throws the ball great and gets good reaction and hit but the balls initial track appears to hit both middle finger edge and thumb hole on left of thumb. I don't know for sure but this thing may be starting lower and reverse flaring towards hole or holes. I informed him that the guy drilled him wrong as the layout is 1E and this clearly warns of this. But he loves the look but hates the sound. I told him I would jump on this board and beg for a solution with a well placed weight hole. The flare is not very wide as much as I thought I would see, so wondering if starts to flare down and then rises back to finger and thumb. Ball does not roll out and actually arcs nice and then finishes quite well for his lack of rev.....also the ball didn't seem to thump until game 3 or only when he removed his Master Power Paw. I suggested getting a little more side roll but he doesn't want to change style. He also has a Columbia Wicked drilled almost exact that does not hit holes. Sorry so long winded but wanted to give full details on first post. Thanks, Al