From what I know and heard, short pins are good for rolly drillings, but you can stick the pin above the fingers, like the ring, if there is not to much top weight, if there is, you can always drill the fingers deaper.But probably still better to do a pin under fingers in that case. It also depends on your pap, speed, revs..ect. Plus if you were to get one, what volumn of oil would you be using it on? With that ball being as strong as it is with that short of pin, anything less than medium-heavy oil, would role out even if it was polished up. To anwser your question, asymmetricals and symmetricals are more similar today, than years ago, because of the mb being so strong in the new balls, the cg has basically no effect on a balls reaction for a asymmetrical. But symmetricals will still want to role earlier because of the shape of the core and rg. Now if you were to buy a ball with the same short pin on a symmetrical, it would be really rolly and really smooth, a asymmterical will still be kind of rolly with a short pin but not as much compared to a symmetrical. Hope this anwsers your questions.
If your going to bowl...bowl for fun or go home