bobbojimmye, reread the original post. getuaload stated that his ball hits the thumb hole when the ball starts to flip. I'm assuming that he means at or near the break point. This has nothing to do with release (unless he is a full roller). I am a very high tracker, and I can release the ball so that it comes off my hand clipping the thumb hole and then flares off of it. This is much different. If the ball flares over the thumb hole then 1 of 2 things is happening. Either the track starts out between the fingers and thumb (full roller) and then flares over the thumb hole, or the track starts out like a normal 3/4 roller and then flares in reverse over the thumb.
If he is a full roller, then he needs to use drill patterns that are safe for full rollers. If not, there is a problem with the ball that is causing it to flare in reverse.
The other possibility is that if he revs the ball quite a bit, a very high flaring core like the Bomb could flare all the way around to the xtra hole.