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Author Topic: Span, pitch and double jointed thumb  (Read 3644 times)


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Span, pitch and double jointed thumb
« on: May 22, 2003, 02:49:35 PM »
Looking for help on this.  I was very comfortable for years in a 5/8 reverse pitch and span about 4 3/4".  I had a tendency to loft the ball excessively and get a little locked up when my thumb swelled a little.  I experimented with going to about a 4 1/2" span and cut the reverse back to 1/4.  It feels good span wise with no more knuckle pressure, and revs much better off my hand with less loft.  But, because of the double jointed thumb my hand can slop back and forth which gives an inconsistant release.  I was considering going with the same span and 0 reverse to see if I could tighten up the grip a little without loosing the cleaner release.  Any other suggestions to try?