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Author Topic: Span too long, any feed back is appreciated  (Read 4780 times)


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Span too long, any feed back is appreciated
« on: June 28, 2018, 05:42:02 AM »
Hello, I have a question. I've been bowling for only a couple years now, but my book avg is 205ish. Whenever I go into my swing I feel like im going to drop my ball. I see guys like Ej Tacket who can swing a 16lb ball like its a 10lb.
Im 6'3 215, so It's definitely not that my 15lb balls are too heavy, so I started to look up YouTube Videos to see what I can do. I found one that made me realize that my span is too long, forcing me to squeeze the ball. Like i said Im relatively new to the sport so I thought this was normal. I bought my first ball from my local proshop and since then I have purchased 4 more from them, all of which have the same drilling. (Pin placements are different but I think you get what I mean..)
Anyways, I feel like the guy that fitted me and drill my ball is responsible, and I feel somewhat like a victim. I have spent only God knows how much at that proshop over the last couple years, and now I feel like Im going to have to pay for him to fix his mistakes. So I want some of your guys' feedback.
How should I go about this? Demand to not pay and have him plug and re-drill my 5 balls?, or suffer from this and dish out the money to get them fixed?
Any comments will help.
Thank you.



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Re: Span too long, any feed back is appreciated
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2018, 06:31:34 AM »
First of all, a self diagnosis of too long of a span is not always correct.  If you believe your span is incorrect go to another shop and have them evaluate your current fit. 

Second, you probably need some tape in your thumb hole to tighten it up.  As I tell people, as your skill level increases the hole size decreases.  As you get better you learn to relax your hand through the swing and need to tighten up the hole.  Most people anyway.  Some never get it and are squeezers for life.

If you decide to get refitted and redrill your equipment start with 1 ball and get it right before you do all 5. 
« Last Edit: June 28, 2018, 06:57:49 AM by itsallaboutme »


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Re: Span too long, any feed back is appreciated
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2018, 06:38:55 AM »
Believe me, tape is not the answer. I have done it all.
But I think I will take your advice, and go to another proshop and see what they say.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2018, 06:43:04 AM by Zaner »


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Re: Span too long, any feed back is appreciated
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2018, 08:06:33 AM »

Depending on your current specs, it could very well be an issue of too much reverse pitch in the thumb, fingers, or both.  You should definitely get a second opinion from a reputable shop.


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Re: Span too long, any feed back is appreciated
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2018, 08:58:51 AM »

I watched this video and my finger holes are closer to my first knuckle joint, which he says it causes you to have to grip on to the ball more.


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Re: Span too long, any feed back is appreciated
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2018, 05:59:43 AM »
understand first, spans and pitches will be changed over the course of your bowling career numerous times. My first question is, Have you voiced your opinion to your shop operator? Because its not a Them issue if you walked out of the shop 4x a happy customer.
My second question is, have you been to a coach to see if what you think is correct? It could be something you're doing in the swing that's causing the ball to drop off in the approach. One can be that your thumb is down in the swing causing the ball to come off prematurely. Could be a tape in the "right" spot issue.

I would do those first before considering a "fix" of equipment by plugging. If you don't like the response of the PSO youre going to, then get a second opinion.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

Hammer Regional/Amateur Staff Member


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Re: Span too long, any feed back is appreciated
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2018, 04:44:41 PM »
So I finally got a chance to go into the shop I purchaced my first ball from and spoke to the guy who drilled it. He took a look and is convinced everything is fine. I stressed to him that i feel like I am going to drop my ball unless I squeeze, and after ahowing him he suggested more amd more tape.
So my next question would be should I change my thumb slug and have him change my pitch? Ive been looking into maybe trying out a thumb insert?
My thumb is typically moist and swells a little after a few throws/ first game.
I want to be able to perform at my best.
Thanks again for tour help/advice.