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Author Topic: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..  (Read 2955 times)


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Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« on: February 06, 2006, 11:38:50 PM »
First of all, I average 220 and 212 in my 2 THS leagues and 196 in my traveling league so I basically know what I am doing as far as adjusting on the lanes and such but I am not that great with the technical side of things.. I have not changed anything with my span for years and maybe its that time. I am getting older (44 this year) and maybe my hand is not as flexable as it once was. Last night I felt like I was using someone else's equipment!!

It seems like lately I have been having problems clearing the thumbhole (every once in awhile I bounce the ball like a basketball when releasing) on my ball and I am thinking about changing my pitches. I also found out my span is about 1/8 short according to my pro shop guy. He has drilled me dozens of balls the past year but I just had him copy my span since everything seemed ok.. Just to add this to everything. My thumb is not very flexable at all..

My present span is 4 and 4 1/8th and my thumb pitches are 1/16 to the palm and 1/16 under. I am thinking of leaving the 1/16 to the palm alone and going to 1/16 away to help me clear the thumb better...

Then I am not sure what to do on the span.. Should I leave it a bit short or go ahead and change it as well?? Whats the disadvantges of a short span? Maybe thats causing me to hang onto the ball too long..

ANY and all comments would be appreciated..
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Edited on 2/7/2006 8:31 AM
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Re: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2006, 08:53:17 AM »
If you are already having problems clearing the thumb, I would not stretch the span any.  Actually, I would consider shortening it.   A few years ago I had a batch of balls drilled that were about 1/8 too long on each finger.......I was locked in the ball.   Only way out was around it......not good.  


Jason Jenkins
'05-'06 Hammer Amateur Staff
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Re: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2006, 11:44:00 AM »
First of all: Are you using a " conventional grip or a
"finger tip"? Conventional grips usually have under the thumb pitch and finger tip grips can vary greatly according to the shape and FLEXIBILITY of your hand. It sounds like you do need to go to a reverse pitch in the thumb. The amount should be determined by your driller.


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Re: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2006, 11:50:33 AM »
First of all: Are you using a " conventional grip or a
"finger tip"? Conventional grips usually have under the thumb pitch and finger tip grips can vary greatly according to the shape and FLEXIBILITY of your hand. It sounds like you do need to go to a reverse pitch in the thumb. The amount should be determined by your driller.

Finger tip..
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Re: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2006, 12:22:22 PM »
I would start by checking your span yourself.  Put your thumb all the way into the ball and comfortably (not stretched) lay your fingers overtop of the finger holes.  The first crease in your fingers (joint) should be near the center of the grip hole... or the edge of the grip should fall about 1/2 way between your first joint and second joint of your fingers.  PM me your email address again, and I will forward you a copy of Mo's article explaining this in detail.  Most drillers (including ones from my proshop) tend to over estimate spans...they want to place the first joint of your finger at the edge of the grip.. which gives a span that is too long.

Next order of business is determination of lateral pitch.  Personally, I think it is jusr preference based upon comfort, but in the Bill Taylor manual it states that lateral pitches can be used to raise or lower your track.. the further right lateral pitch (assuming a right handed bowler), the higher the track... so I guess left lateral pitch leads towards coming around the ball or increasing axis tilt.  He uses the coke bottle test (I like the aquafina water bottles)...  thumb points to middle finger = 1/8 right, ring finger = 3/8 right, pinky = 5/8 right...  (by the test I'm 1/8 right, but prefer and use 1/8 left)..

Once lateral is determined, determine the appropriate forward/reverse thumb pitch based upon span.  Strictly going by Bill Taylor, the forward and reverse pitch is based upon a span of 4 1/4" (0 pitch).  Shorter than 4 1/4 uses forward and longer uses reverse (1/2 the difference between aactual and 4 1/4").  The amount for forward pitch in the thumb 1/16" is correct for your span of 4 1/8" (assuming an average bowler).  He states to add reverse for a long thumb and for a tacky (sweaty) thumb and add forward for shorter and/or dry thumb.  

These are pretty decent guidlines for fitting a person.  And generally what I use.  

You stated that sometimes you have "bounced" the ball.  Usualy that's a sign of the thumb clearing too quickly... and dropping the ball...if that's the case, it might just be an issue of thumb hole size (or actually requiring more forward pitch to help hold onto the ball)...  For me, front to back my thumb is 29/32, but side to side its closer to 15/16.. so I am forced to drill 29/32 and oval the sides quite a bit to fit...  

Generally speaking, shorter spans allow you to get out of the ball quicker and generate more revs.  Longer spans tend to "lock" your hand into the ball...

-Strapper Squared

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Edited on 2/7/2006 1:12 PM

Edited on 2/7/2006 1:17 PM


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Re: Spans and pitches... PLEASE read..
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2006, 02:45:18 PM »
jkiser, I agree with most of what strapper said. I'm not sure if the part about rt & lt lateral is correct, but that's minor. I do not think lengthening your span or going reverse with your thumb pitch is what you want to do. If your span is correct(joint to the center of hole) I would leave it alone & possibly add another 1/16 or even 1/8 to your forward pitch. My span as an example is 4 1/2" & I use 1/8 forward & 1/16 right lateral. You might also check your finger pitches & if you have forward in those, you may want to consider trying reverse. Just my opinion.
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