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Author Topic: spare ball layout for no thumb bowler  (Read 9678 times)


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spare ball layout for no thumb bowler
« on: May 08, 2021, 11:54:57 PM »
Anyone who doesn't use their thumb or two-hands, layout a spare ball with 3 oz of side weight to get the ball to hook less. Basically, putting the CG on the side totally opposite from PAP.

I don't use my thumb and I'm thinking of getting a spare ball and having it drilled like this. With the 3oz side weight rule it's been legal a few years already.



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Re: spare ball layout for no thumb bowler
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2021, 01:10:35 PM »
I can't see it making much of a difference with a pancake weight block. I had my plastic ball drilled conventional to help reduce hook.


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Re: spare ball layout for no thumb bowler
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2021, 11:17:27 PM »
I did the experiment with an old spare ball that had to be plugged around around cracked finger holes.

CG 180 degrees from PAP.

Didn't have any significant effect on ball hook.
Did get spare ball to flare, although, backwards, over finger holes.

So maybe if spare ball is drilled with CG near PAP can get  a little flare if want to use it as strike ball on bone dry conditions. But can not kill hook more with side weight. Reverse ball flare over fingers is not ideal, and I would guess having the ball flare may just negateve whatever minute benefit there was.