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Author Topic: Step By Step Rico With Pictures!  (Read 3273 times)


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Step By Step Rico With Pictures!
« on: May 11, 2010, 08:52:13 AM »
Based on the discussion happening in the recent thread...

Okay, this was somewhat confusing at first, and there seem to be few people contradicting each other.  Now, I''m just going off of the Wiki, with the help of this thread, so bear with me, but I''''m going to put a step by step together, with pictures.

First misconception "Place MB (Mass Bias) at 45 degrees from grip center, Pap isn''t even needed!"  Wrong.  The MB (Mark 6 3/4" from the pin, through the CG (Center of Gravity) for Symmetrical Balls) is suppose to be layed out 45 degrees from your PAP (Positive Axis Point).

This is where I read about 80% of the confusion.  Granted there are many variations of the Rico Layout, but the tradition Layout is based on the bowlers PAP.

Before starting the Rico Drill, it is recommended to use a ball with a 3" Pin Distance, and a 2.5oz - 3.5oz Top Weight for ease in remaining within the Legal Statics.

Ok, now to the Step By Step with some pictures to help.
(Stolen Pictures, Sue me)  Don''t hate on my MSPaint skills either!

1: For asymmetric balls, draw a line from the MB to the Pin.
For symmetric balls, draw a line from the Pin, Through the center of the CG and make a mark at 6 3/4" and use this as a "Assumed MB"

2: Using a Pro Sect, and the Line from #1, make a mark at 45 degrees
3: Draw a line from the Pin, through the 45 degree mark above.  The ball should now have 2 lines, that create 1 single 45 degree angle.
Picture of Steps 1, 2 and 3:

4: On the second line (Step 3) make a mark, based off of your PAP Co-ordinates.
My PAP is 5" Over, 1" Up, so I''ll make a mark at 5" (This will be different for everyone, as your Pap is unique to you.  The mark you make in this step, will be where your PAP is.
Picture of step 4:

5: From the mark you just made (Your PAP) you will now swing an Arc, the length of your Vertical PAP Measurement.  Again, for me, this is 5" Over, 1" Up.  SO I will be swinging a 1" Arc DOWN.  (Make sure you swing the right way) <- That''''s what she said!
Picture of Step 5:

6: What the !@#$ is a Tangent?!? Well, in simple terms, just draw a Line, from the PIN, through the Swung Arc from Step 5, that only touches the Arc at one single spot.  Note that the line you are creating here, is actually your MIDLINE.  (Horizontal Line that travels through your grip center)
Picture of Step 6:

Pause:  For those, like me, who need to see it to understand it, lets take a second to look at this last picture.  You can now see a few things.  First is you see your full PAP measurements and where your PAP will actually land.  This alone cleared up a lot for me.  The horizontal measurement is now actually out across the Light Blue line (Step 6) and the Vertical measurement is the Arc we swung, up to where we marked the PAP unknowingly before hand.
We also see that our Pap is 45 degrees from the Pin to MB line, and reading through the steps above, you find a, once you become familiar with it, simple way to lay it out.  Also, seeing the Midline, allows us to visualize the drilling as a whole.

Moving on...
7: Step 6 created your midline, so this step is pretty straight forward, Perpendicular from your Midline, you make a line both directions for your Center Line.  (Verticle Line that travels through your Grip Center)  Just in case... This is done, by creating a 90 degree angle, off of the Midline (Step 6), and then Drawing a line through that mark, that travels in both directions.  This is your center line.
Picture of Step 7:

Step 8: From the Center Grip (Where Center Line and Midline Intersect) along the Centerline, take your Span measurements, and mark them out each halfway.  My span is 4 1/4 Cut to cut, so I go 2 1/8 each way.  Then I drill the fingers, thumb.

Step 9:  The weight Hole.  After taking static measurements of Top Weight, Side Weight and Thumb/Finger Weight, decide on the best width and depth of the weight hole.  A nice spreadsheet to use for this can be see in PDF form here: from Jayhawk, on Morich''''s Wiki webpage.  For Symmetrical balls, the weight hole is placed ont he original mark you made all the way back Step 1, the "Assumed MB" and for Asymmetric balls, it''''s in the same place, but you actually have a MB mark, that makes it fool proof.

Step 10: The final product should look something like this!

Rico Wiki:
Mega Friction 278 78x3x47
Virtual Gravity 272 47x4x40
Red Death 280 32x4x55
Mutant Cell 42x5x70
FS/FT Mania
FS/FT Twisted Fury

Edited on 5/12/2010 2:28 PM



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Re: Step By Step Rico With Pictures!
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2010, 07:49:38 AM »
You made a typo:

1: For asymmetric balls, draw a line from the MB to the Pin.
For symmetric balls, draw a line from the Pin, Through the center of the CG and make a mark at 3/4" and use this as a "Assumed MB"

mark it 6 3/4"

Just wanted to let you know...Good post for the Rico lovers !!!

Good job.

Dan Belcher

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Re: Step By Step Rico With Pictures!
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2010, 08:26:35 AM »
why didnt you just post a link to brunsnick's website since you used his pics...oh, you just wanted to hear yourself talk...ok, i understand now..
John "Steven" Parry...The Lane 1 rocket surgeon officially sponsored by Kool-aid and M&Ms....
Considering we had an entire thread created because people were confused by Brunsnick's description...


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Re: Step By Step Rico With Pictures!
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2010, 09:57:21 AM »
Covered but not clearly explained, along with a few misstatements. Good post with pictures. Even those of us not as intelligent as "CGsuk" understand.


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Re: Step By Step Rico With Pictures!
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2010, 10:25:51 AM »
This is great.  Now in 7-14 days nobody will be able to see it!  You really gotta love the default settings on this forum.

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Re: Step By Step Rico With Pictures!
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2010, 11:16:09 AM »


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Re: Step By Step Rico With Pictures!
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2010, 11:25:19 AM »
Also considered a USA Pattern. Either or, I use it often.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.