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Author Topic: Storm Lock Drilling Advice Wanted  (Read 2355 times)


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Storm Lock Drilling Advice Wanted
« on: January 21, 2016, 05:05:25 AM »
I just purchased a 16lb Storm Lock. I haven't been bowling for too long. I throw 17mph, with a tweener style throw, averaging about 190. I notice most people on here have more stats, although i have no idea how to measure revs and what not. I do not know what kind of drill layout to drill. I really want the high hook but I also want to be able to use this ball once the oil starts to wear off a bit. I consider myself a beginner with limited experience, once or twice a game i will completely mess up and throw the ball in the gutter. I am looking for a layout that is forgiving with not having the best skill consistency, can be used in med-heavy oil conditions, but has a high hook potential. Is this possible? I looked on google, found various layouts for storm products, will these layouts work for all storm balls, or does it change from ball to ball? All advice is welcome, I am trying to learn, and know very little, so don't worry about insulting my intelligence, because you are not. Also, I do not have a local pro shop I can have help me, as I am deployed in WESTPAC. Thanks in advance.



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Re: Storm Lock Drilling Advice Wanted
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2016, 10:51:59 PM »
I see you say you are deployed and do not have a pro-shop nearby.  If I may ask, how to you intend to have the ball drilled?  (I mean physically, not the drill pattern)

Do you bowl with anyone that has more knowledge?  Guess being deployed really does limit your options.

I am sure there others better equipped to answer the question than I am.   But I will say the lock has been an awesome ball for me on a heavy sport pattern (44 feet, and heavy oil); not so much on a true medium sport pattern (39 feet) way too aggressive for me.

BTW, thank you for your service.


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Re: Storm Lock Drilling Advice Wanted
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2016, 11:22:00 PM »
Thank you for your response. Some of the local countries we stop in have bowling alleys with pro shops who drill balls outside of the gates. Most USMC bases have alleys, but no pro shops. Unfortunately the language barrier is too much to overcome, so they suggest us English speakers come in with exact measurements of what we want drilled.

So in other words I was wondering if someone could suggest the drill measurements.