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Author Topic: I need some advice...  (Read 870 times)


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I need some advice...
« on: August 05, 2006, 02:59:03 PM »
I've been bowling for about 4 years now.  My first ball was an Eraser PBT, drilled pin above ring, mb on strong side of thumb, I loved it, it got me my first 290 game, when it died many games later, I got a Triumph AMP, drilled pin right above ring, label was in palm, w/mb to the negative side, but it was a strong ball, I guess due to its particle pearl cover and/or core, I loved it, got more honor scores, when it was time again, i got a Morich S&A, initially i got it drilled similar to the AMP, I guess it's call a label drilling, I initially thought it was too weak, so I got it p&r for sharp breakpoint  and sanded some cover off.  It's a good ball, but I can't help thinking I should've left the label drilling on b/c sometimes it jumps off the dry.  I have relatively slow speed (15mph), w/decent revs, so now I look back thinking that label is the way to go for me, and let the core/cover dictate the action.  That AMP gave me so much room for recovery w/a weaker drilling, I'm guessing the negative mb let the ball glide longer in addition to the pearl w/my slower speed, while the particle would p/u just in time, whether it be carrydown or not.  Tug it, it holds enough b/c there's usually oil in the middle of a THS, swing it out, it comes back b/c the particle.  I loved it.  I've been searching for it again, i guess particle pearl is my forte'.  Strong mb drillings just seem too uncontrollable for me, the label drilling is supposedly for more control, right? Any input on these thoughts is appreciated.