Ok,my home lanes switched this year to Brunswick Pro Anvil Lanes.Synthetic,that is.
All my stuff is laid out to go long in this order:
Lane#1--U-Pearl---60* layout---pin above the ring--X-hole--polished cover.**1st drill**.
BCB--stacked3 3/8 x 3 3/8--pin above the ring---X-hole--gray scotchbrite used to dull the cover.***3RD drill***
HDB---label leverage---pin above the ring--Cg above the thumb almost centered---1000 grit.** 1st drill with fingers moved for span change**
Ebonite---The One---pin over the bridge--Cg kicked out 1.5 inches with Mb right and below the thumb.**2nd drill**
Roto Grip---SD-73 Pearl--pin to the right of the thumb with the Cg and an X-hole all in a line to the right and slightly below the ring finger. Cover dulled with gray scotchbrite. **2nd drill**
Needless to say everything goes fairly long. What should be switched to below/under ring finger drilling to give this a little more punch??? Specs are in my profile.
Thanks for all replies...................