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Author Topic: Rico  (Read 1000 times)


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« on: March 05, 2006, 08:18:19 AM »
I am thinking of getting a rampage and trying this drilling out, what should I expect in regards to reaction and hitting power, also my driller has never heard of rico before so can you tell me the info he needs to know in order to drill it up.
Some people are born rich, Some people are born lefty, It just about evens out dont you think.
bowling is my way of telling pins some times they just need to lay the fu*k down
ancient chineese proverb:
"I'm not as think as you drunk I am"



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Re: Rico
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 04:45:41 PM »
Pin in center of grip. CG at 45 degrees swung out to the positive side. And weighthole 6 3/4" from pin through CG I believe.

I just drilled my Hybrid DirtyBomb like such and it really starts up earlier and super smooth. Lost its huge backend and all for the better. Took it out for a spin after getting it and mind you, it was a big wall, threw 17 strikes in a row. No 300 though Very smooth and continuous. Definitely needs oil.

The layout is designed to allow bowlers to stay left of the high friction track area as it wears out and dries. It's strong enough to turn in the oil but even enough that it won't jump at the first sign of dry. It's a winner in my book so far.
Only One More Ball I Promise