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Author Topic: Sync layout suggestions  (Read 1073 times)


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Sync layout suggestions
« on: January 01, 2014, 12:04:02 PM »
I have a new Sync coming in and wanted input on a layout. It is replacing an original Virtual Gravity that has a generic drilling. I had it it drilled before I knew anything about paps, cgs, mass bias etc. I still don't know much but I know the distance from pap affects motion. It looks like the pin is about 4 inches from my pap(4 15/16 over 5/16 up). I have a high track which I believe means less than 12* tilt. I don't know my revs but I assume I am speed dominant. I have an up the back release and try not to turn my wrist at all. The way the Vg is drilled seems to fit my style but lately I've been leaving flat tens instead of ringing tens. Any advice would be appreciated. Sorry for the length and lack of detailed stats.