I'm a tweener with a tendency to get around the ball too much. 4 7/8 over at 0. Medium speed get quite a bit of tilt and axis rotation when I move inside. Would like to be able to stay outside longer during a set with more forward roll.
My equipment generally hits with less effective power when I stay right under it with forward roll. Possibly it's technique related but I can't see it nor feel any issue that's related to it. The only way I seem to carry better with a ring finger lead and forward roll is hit out on the ball more. Normal lay down is 6" to 1' if I do more of a Mika hit out then I will carry better but it seems odd that I should have to hit out more.
Anybody have a good layout for me to try on an test ball to see what kind of difference I can get out of a different layout for more forward roll? Or am I barking up the wrong tree here?