Don't ask what possessed me to do this, but recently I was grubbing through the Usenet newsgroup archives, and I ran across an interesting thread about leverage drillings. I can't even begin to capture the spirit of the discussion (and it was a spirited discussion), nor will I try. The nut of the gist was that there was some disagreement as to how to drill a ball so as to produce the largest possible dynamic imbalance for that ball. One group of posters to the thread adhered to the "textbook" position that a drilling with the pin at 3 3/8" from the bowler's PAP would result in the largest imbalance. Another group of posters claimed that the maximum dynamic imbalance would result from placing the core at a 45-degree angle at the point of release, and thus the pin would need to be positioned 3 3/8" from the bowler's track.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but for a full-roller, the track diameter would be 13 1/2", and thus these two pin positions would be identical, as the PAP would be 6 3/4" from the bowler's track. However, for semi-rollers and spinners, the track diameter would be smaller, and thus the PAP would be further than 6 3/4" from the track, so these two pin positions would diverge, and the difference would grow as the track diameter shrinks.
So I put forth this question to the ball physics experts out there. Which of these two schools of thought is correct, and why?
Thanks in advance.