I remember about two years ago I asked a guy for label leverage.
I figure about 3 3/8 by 5 or 4 by 5!
I come in and the pin is about 2 inches from my ring finger
3 X 5! I'm po'd. this on a original Nighthawk reactive.
I don't throw it much, and one day I go in and throw practice at about 11 in a row I'm starting to notice. Hmmm this sure fits this wetter condition, hmmm.
At 17 in row I'm interested and then finally 21 out of 22.
But then I don't see that type of oil and the thing goes in the closet.
Yesterday I'm watching a slightly less handed righty throwing with three balls on a pretty wet headed not strong backend condition.
Brunswick Swamp monster, Purple or Violet Quantum 3 X 5 drill, and my old favorite Nighhawk but this one drilled with the usually more league friendly 4 1/2 X 4 1/2.
Well the Swampy is alright(the cover gets it going in the wetter heads), it lasks smash at the back. The Nighthawk is simply behind the headpin weak 10 after weak 10! Remember this ball worked great for me with a stronger pinon just this type of condition, now the ball is dogmeat!
The quantum reactive is just right! Almost just as much bite in the heads as the Swampy, with much more punch in the back!
Wow for the medium to weaker handed this sure looks great on sloppy head soup!
JUst might do one of these myself!
PS I just had an email on this subject from Curly, I replied I didn't like this drilling on a strong particle ball like a EZ Money! I think with particles a high chance for burnout and ball being only a specialty item(super soup!), but on a solid reactive, hmmmm?!???!!!!