I was wonderin how the correct way to measure your full (true) span is. My method that I always have used is measuring from the lift on my finger insert to the edge where my thumb enters the thumb slug. With my cloth measurer it has always came out to 4 3/16 middle, 4 5/16 ring.
The reason why I ask is I watched my por shop guy measure my span, and he used comething contoured to the ball, mad eofr this obviously but he also had a stick or something that he stuck in the hole up against the front of my tumb and measured to that point. My measurements came to 4 1/2 middle, 4 9/16 ring. I was thinking about getting a ball drilled from buddies and wanted to know which measurement I should give them based on how this is done.
I am assuming my pro shop operater is using the correct method and that is my true full span measurement, but would like to know from other pro shops.
What is sandbagging???