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Author Topic: Thumb issue  (Read 1877 times)


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Thumb issue
« on: November 05, 2003, 06:39:15 PM »
Went to the PWBA/Ebonite camp in April 2002 and while there, they changed the pitch of my thumbhole to zero.  I have had no problems with this drilling and actually like it better than what I had previously.  In the last month or so, I have noticed that on my first few shots, there appears to be a bundle of nerves at the base of my thumb that when the ball leaves my hand and rubs this spot, the tip of my thumb goes numb.  Usually, after a few shots, I seem to adjust and it stops.  Last night, it happened again, but the very tip of my thumb stayed numb the rest of the night.  It's still a bit numb this morning.  Also, over the course of the last 11 months, I've lost 40lbs., so the size of my thumb/fingers has changed.  I've added tape to my thumbholes to get them to fit, but was wondering if this numbness is due to a drilling issue/bad fit or if it's just a queer medical thing?  I suppose the weight loss could have affected my span a bit as well....?  Anybody got any ideas?

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"If we can change our thoughts, then we can change the world."  -H.M. Tomlinson



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Re: Thumb issue
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2003, 09:43:11 AM »
i get something like this if my edges are to sharp. other than that, i say maybe since your hand has changed alot, have a thumb slug installed to change the hole size. I would get your fit checked on all of your equipment.



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Re: Thumb issue
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2003, 09:56:40 AM »
Sounds like your span might be a hair long, or you just need to do a little beveling.

There are tendons for your thumb that extend down through your wrist.  YOu may also be rolling the tending on bonce in your wrist. If you don't wear a brace you may want to get one.  Just one of the small ones that go around your wrist
to apply pressure on the tendons.

I slept on my hand the other night and am presenly dealing with it.  I can feel it cupping mywrist without a support, but it feels fine with the support on tight.

In my personal opinion if you are trying to stay behind the ball as much a s possible when you bowl, I think that 0 pitch is bad as it stress your tendons
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: Thumb issue
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2003, 11:39:23 AM »
I don't want to sound insulting, so I'll step backwards first before typing.

Do you truly expect your hand to stay the same size. There is nothing wrong with your grip and drilling EXCEPT that it is no longer your size. It was for you a year and 40 lbs ago. You need to get your grip remeasured IMMEDIATELY before you do serious damage to your tendons and ligaments.

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Re: Thumb issue
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2003, 09:12:14 PM »
I have had the same problem with my thumb for a number of years. Beveling the edge of the thumbhole will help. Also changing the pitch of the fingers if you are using a fingertip could help. I just make sure my thumb is in a comfortable position before I start my backswing.I have heard that surgery is an option but I would even lower myself to bowling righty before I did that.