I've utilized a mold in my own equipment for the past few years and love it. Make the mold itself is very easy once you pick the ball you want to mold, provided you utilize a thumb slug, if not there will be added steps involved:
- Draw a centerline and make a mark on the back of you thumb along your centerline (this is critical as this mark will be used to line up the molds upon installation - keeping your angles and pitches correct).
- You place the supplied damn over your thumb skug, align it to the slug and place some putting around it to seel it off.
- If the thumb hole is particullary deep you will have to put paper towel, napkins, etc. to take up the extra depth as the supplied material only goes so far. You also have to make a choice about how much tape you want to leave behind / have in your mold. Yes it will mold the shape / bulk of tape, but the texture isn't totally right so I would remove at least 2 pieces if you utilize that much.
- Utilize the supplied casting material / applicator (think of two part epoxy) and put the material in your thumb, making sure to fill it slowly enough to release any trapped air pockets.
- Wait the required amount of time and then you have a mold of your thumb from which you can make the castings.
Now the mold was made to the pitches that were in the original ball. So when drilling your new ball you just put the same pitches in that ball and the casting will have the correct pitches, provided you didn't want to change.
To put the casting into the ball I just sanded the 1-1/4 hole an extra amount to allow room for the epoxy and sand the outside of the casting to help promote adhesion. I utilize a 5 minute epoxy which allows you time to get the casting lined up in the hole. Once the epoxy has set up you just make sure the casting is flush to the surface of the ball, sand the top of the casting to your liking, add and tape and go to town.
The only issue I have with the system is that the mold seems to swell overtime and as such your castings will start to get *slightly* larger over time...but it does take a good amount of casting for that to happen.
Also if you like the tought of the inter-changle thumb systems they do make a sleeve that will accept a thumb casting so you can combine the two ideas together.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA