Well, I just replicated your 45* pitch EXACTLY drilling it on the t-grip lines at 1/8 rev, 1/8 left lateral. Would you like some pics of the pitch gauge in the ball?
I'm pretty sure that settles the debate. And so you know, it's not trying to disprove the theory...it does make sense, and all John and I were saying is that it is easily replicated using the t grip method once you've done ONE ball. And I understand your thinking, but if a hole's pitch matches at any angle from ball to ball, you can guarantee it will match any other angle you measure it. So if it measures 1/8rev and 1/8left lateral on both balls (t grip), they will always match no matter what "reference line" you use to determine pitch(whether it be 30*, 45*, or 60*). You could even measure it at 180 degrees, they would still match. Matter of fact it would read 1/8 fwd and 1/8 rt lateral..on both balls.