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Author Topic: thumb pitch and layout suggestions  (Read 13708 times)


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thumb pitch and layout suggestions
« on: April 13, 2010, 04:02:14 PM »
I read not to long ago on this board of a drilling of the thumb but turning the ball in the jig before drilling the hole. I cant seem to find the posts. My fingers and wrists are not very limber and Im really wondering what I can do to feel more comfortable cocking my wrist.  The league I joined for fun, everyone bowls with the same brand and model ball. I'm classic stroker but working hard to re-program my hand/wrist to gain some revs. I have a pap of 5 over and up 1/2. The last two balls I had were drilled 3 3/8 x 3 3/8. Obviously inside and swing is not my A game! At the same time Ive had skid flip and that seems to be pretty speed and condition specific. I would like to have the ball store some energy but have a strong continuous arc to the pocket. Looking for drilling suggestions. THS, stroker with about 16mph, They tell me they chose the Brunswick copperhead. Thanks in advance and sorry for L O N G  post.



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Re: thumb pitch and layout suggestions
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2010, 11:15:31 AM »
Any Update?

I haven't tried it yet.  --  JohnP