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Author Topic: Label Leverage Drilling  (Read 12577 times)

Sir Bowl-A-Lot

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Label Leverage Drilling
« on: January 12, 2006, 05:35:15 AM »
I have tried many many types of layouts but I have found that a simple label leverage drilling works the best for me on a THS.  When I say "Label Leverage Drilling" I mean putting the pin 3.5" from my PAP (to the right of my ring) and placing the CG at the center of my grip.

Anyone else find that this drilling just seems to work the best for them on their typical house shot?  For me, it provides decent length, a good read in the midlane, and an aggressive backend.  The ball also hits very hard to boot.
Trusted member since 3/31/2003 (since 2001 under the now late user name buzzsaw16...back when I used nothing but Lane#1)



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Re: Label Leverage Drilling
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2006, 05:50:35 PM »
The only ball that I have drilled like that is a Triton Heat Elite. I just pulled that ball out two weeks ago it moves harder than anything newer that I have drilled up. It still hits hard. The funny this is that people come up to me and ask " Is that a new release? I haven't heard anything about a purple ball!" I kind of get a chuckle out of it.
Member of The Revolution since 2005


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Re: Label Leverage Drilling
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2006, 07:43:55 AM »
I agree with everything another lefty has said!

I have a very strong side roll(about 60 degrees axis rotation).

This drilling ALMOSt always seems to get too deep on most conditions for me and then break very angularly to the hole leaving me a TON of ringing 7s.

Now as one realizes the lane surface on many lanes is much slicker on the left than on the right....I'm not talking about oil....I'm talking about the actual friction of the lane at the 40 foot mark and in that area.  Much less on the left much more on the right!

In addition my observation(I have an outstanding bowling friend) that can use this drilling nearly EVERYWHERE...even on US open type conditions.  He has a side roll of about 30 degrees.

I talk about thsi drilling and people's release in the reference section that I think I had in creating on this site a long time ago.  Under Storm Track he has conveniently continued to repost it for everyone's use!

At my slick synthetic house with always a little carrydown in the proper break area...stacked seems to be the answer for the lefty!  Not just me...but all lefties!

Serious Kick outs like at most other houses in America for lefties are NOT the answer as there is very little midlane oil!  (16 foot short run on top of 12 hours of bowling 40 foot scrapple).  Kick outs encourage midlane.  Unless it is a Brunswick ball of course!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana