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Author Topic: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?  (Read 4893 times)


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Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« on: November 12, 2004, 08:56:34 PM »
Hmmmmm, no conclusion yet.  Similar to my good friedn MAgicCarpets Magic Carpet.

An insert in back of ball that one has to make a little room for.

Interesting, more expensive, more slippery than the magic carpet.  But this thing I made room for which I never really did for the magic carpet.(in other words I have not given MAgic a fair try!).  (Do I still have one around?)

As my friend JohnP said who sent me this. If you have an oval thumb, but like round holes this is the "answer".

I don't know but I bowled after the classic league last week and every week I follow the best lefty in the league and bowl on his pair.  His last game had 5 straight flat 7s on the pair. My games were not much different till I tried my thumbbillow ball and skied!

First impression is wow!


PS for whatever reason out of this same set of holes I seem to get out of the thumb much quicker with the thumbbillow(sort of like Bill Horvath theory from bowling secrets of the pros), but keep my fingers much more behind the ball......hmmmmm.

Edited on 11/13/2004 5:58 AM
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Burak Natal

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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2004, 05:37:24 PM »
I've been using thumbillow for more than 6 months. I like tight thumb hole and thumbillow allows me to tighten it as much as possible without sacrificing the clean release. Thus I don't squeeze the ball and clear my thumb much earlier.
Great product!


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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2004, 07:24:15 PM »
I liked the ThumbBillow but tape gum/residue kept getting on it and made release a "sticky" thing. The gum/residue came from tape in the front of the thumbhole and sometimes from the tape on the back of my thumb. I gave up, stuck with my oval insert and tape on the back of my thumb (either Hypafix or Ebonite protecting tape).

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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2004, 08:50:55 PM »
The tape they use is a problem.  It tends to release from the Thumbillow.  No problem if you reset it each night before you bowl, but if you forget and stick your thumb in without resetting it, the Thumbillow will get pushed to the bottm of the hole and possibly ruined.  Even with this problem, I really like the fit and release.  I've been using them for over six months and have only had to replace one.  --  JohnP


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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2004, 10:35:29 PM »
John P has talked to me about using the Thumb Billow approx 2 mos. or so ago. I never tried it for whatever reason. I have tried the Magic Carpet and never seemed to be able to get comfortable with it. Since I am now stabablized on my new grip I will try the Carpet again. I also now want to try the Thumb Billow. Since the Thumb Billow comes in different sizes, what size do you people use?

Retired and bowling on Fixed Income

Edited on 11/13/2004 11:39 PM
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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2004, 04:11:34 AM »

The different sizes it comes in is the thickness. I also cut about 1/16" off the width to make it fit more comfortably. I had to open my thumb hole quite a bit: went from between 61/64" & 31/32" insert to a full 63/64" insert to allow room for the ThumBillow.

I agree with JohnP w/r to the double stick tape that held it to the thumb wall. Mine released a few times. Not sure if a smoother or a rougher surface would have held the tape in place longer.
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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2004, 06:10:37 AM »

Thumbillow will get pushed to the bottom of the hole and possibly ruined

Smallest size, 1/8, creates less problem. I cut old finger inserts from top to bottom and roll them to make it thinner. I'm putting them in my thumb holes of some of my balls when I'm not using them. This helps also, especially if you are using thicker ones.

I really don't understand why the thumbillowkit comes with various sizes. I may prefer to use one specific size. Another one may choose other size. Why should I purchase all of them?


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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2004, 07:25:50 AM »
I really don't understand why the thumbillowkit comes with various sizes. I may prefer to use one specific size. Another one may choose other size. Why should I purchase all of them?


You don't have to purchase all of them. One time I just called; the 1st time I replied to the confirmation email which the seller sent me and told them I wanted all 1/8" ones. They were only too happy to oblige.
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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2004, 10:04:47 AM »
The different sizes it comes in is the thickness.

Charlest, the size thickness is what I wanted to know. I guess I didn't make my self clear. Let me try again.....What thickness does everyone use? The ones I have found on line come in 1/8 - 3/16 - 1/4, so I have know idea of which one to try. Kind of expensive to try at $5 a piece. I was just trying to see if there was one particular size that most people use. I found them on two sites and a person has to buy all 3 sizes (two 1/8". one 3/16", one 1/4") at one time for $20. I found them on one site and it looks like they might be sold seperately. However they are still 5 bucks a piece vs 2 bucks for Magic Carpet.

Retired and bowling on Fixed Income
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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2004, 08:44:42 PM »
Since the Thumb Billow comes in different sizes, what size do you people use?

I stock all three thicknesses, but prefer the 3/16".  I oversize the thumb hole by 1/16" to use it.  If I use the 1/8" I oversize the thumb hole by 1/32".

I agree with JohnP w/r to the double stick tape that held it to the thumb wall. Mine released a few times. Not sure if a smoother or a rougher surface would have held the tape in place longer.

If you look closely, I think you'll find that the tape separates from the Thumbillow, not from the ball.  I tried removing the tape they supply and replacing it with carpet tape, but that did the same thing.

I really don't understand why the thumbillowkit comes with various sizes. I may prefer to use one specific size. Another one may choose other size. Why should I purchase all of them?

I buy mine from Classic Products.  They will supply any number of any size, and I'm sure any supply house will do the same.  I have seen only the four-piece kits offered from internet pro shops.

However they are still 5 bucks a piece vs 2 bucks for Magic Carpet.

True, they are more expensive and they function in much the same manner.  I also carry the Magic Carpet, and some customers prefer them.  The main drawback I see to the Magic Carpet is that if the customer "knuckles" his thumb at all, the Carpet will cause a pretty nasty blister.  The Magic Carpet does stick better and seems to last longer.  The surface of the Thumbillow that the thumb contacts is quite slick, resulting in a quick thumb release.  I have not yet tried the Magic Carpet in one of my balls, but I've got a new one to drill up in the near future, and I think I'll try one.  --  JohnP


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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2004, 09:07:02 PM »
This is what I have been doing for a while to pad the thumb - Double stick foam picture hanging tape made to hold up to 2 pounds comes in a roll 3/4 inch wide.  Cut 2/3 length of standard insert tape.  I stick this on the back of a piece of insert tape, remove the backing from the foam tape and replace with another piece of insert tape.  I now have a firm but forgiving pad that I insert into the thumb hole.  I am using round tapered sleeves.  The pad helps me get the perfect tight fit, and a clean release.


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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2004, 09:32:17 PM »
Yep thumbbillow comes with a near teflon type foam surface.

I actually like to use my normal round or slightly smaller to accomodate the width of my oval thumb.  Then I take a smaller drillbit say 7/8 in my case.  Insert size is 61/64 and I drill out about 1/32 of back of hole.  As my front to back measurement is about 57/64.


PS on second try seemed real slick and threw well but my friend felt ball was off my hand too quick!  Still adjusting!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

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Re: Thumbbillow For the oval thumb...Hmmm?
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2004, 01:40:57 PM »
A word of caution, these have been around for a few years and unless you keep a close eye on them the teflon will start to seperate from the foam and when it doe's it becomes almost like a razor and will cut your thumb.

 Nice product, just keep an eye out for problems.

Edited on 11/17/2004 12:00 PM